Recent Progress on Medical Geology

Última actualización: 17 Mayo 2021

Medical Geology is defined as the science dealing with the relationship between geological factors and health problems in humans, animals and plants. The International Medical Geology Association (IMGA) aims to provide a network and a forum to characterize the properties of geological processes and agents, the dispersal of geological material and their effects on human populations. MEDGEO series conferences are held by IMGA once every two years, and the 8th International Conference on Medical Geology is held in Guiyang, China, during August 12–15, 2019. This special issue focuses on the various studies on medical geology. Potential topics include, but not limited to environmental geochemistry and human health, water and human health, soil pollution and remediation, atmosphere pollution and human health.

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Medical Geology: Linking Environment and Human Health

Última actualización: 17 Mayo 2021

Medical Geology is defined as the science dealing with the relationship between geological factors and health problems in humans, animals and plants. The International Medical Geology Association (IMGA) aims to provide a network and a forum to characterise the properties of geological processes and agents, the dispersal of geological material and their effects on human populations. The International Conference on Medical Geology are held by IMGA once every two years, and the 8th International Conference on Medical Geology is held in Guiyang, China, during August 12–15, 2019. Science of the Total Environment is an international multi-disciplinary journal for publicize Scientific Research into the Environment and its Relationship with Humankind. To exhibit the recent progress on medical geology and develop the role of medical geology on environmental research, we organized special issue in the journal of "Science of the Total Environment". The theme is "Medical Geology: Linking Environment and Human Health”.


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Un estudio de la UBA encontró “metales inesperados” en piercings que favorecen su corrosión

Última actualización: 31 Octubre 2018

El estudio fue realizado por la facultad de Odontología sobre los piercings de 16 adolescentes

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El impacto de la minería en Argentina sobre la salud de las comunidades

Última actualización: 28 Julio 2014

El Dr. Diego Fridman, es Docente de Geología Médica, Impactos Mineros y Ambientales es Secretario de la Oficina Local en Argentina de la Asociación Internacional de Geología Médica. También se destaca por su labor profesional como Director de Investigación Clínica en FUNCEI,en Buenos Aires. En esta nota describe y posiciona la realidad de la salud de la población en zonas ubicadas en las inmediaciones de los yacimientos mineros.

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Modelling environmental factors correlated with podoconiosis: a geospatial study of non-filarial elephantiasis

Última actualización: 10 Julio 2014


The precise trigger of podoconiosis — endemic non-filarial elephantiasis of the lower legs — is unknown. Epidemiological and ecological studies have linked the disease with barefoot exposure to red clay soils of volcanic origin. Histopathology investigations have demonstrated that silicon, aluminium, magnesium and iron are present in the lower limb lymph node macrophages of both patients and non-patients living barefoot on these clays. We studied the spatial variation (variations across an area) in podoconiosis prevalence and the associated environmental factors with a goal to better understanding the pathogenesis of podoconiosis.

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